Abu Dhabi
Social counselling now available 24/7
The social counselling service offered by Zayed House for Islamic Culture (ZHIC) drew 324 requests by clientele during the first half of the year. The service was meant for the new Muslims registered with ZHIC to provide them with proper guidance and social problem solving. As 101 counselling services took place at ZHIC Abu Dhabi branch, 138 at Ajman branch, and 85 at the respective head office in Al Ain. The general satisfaction about the services hit 95.5% during the first half of the year. In this regard, Dr. Nedal al Tinaiji, the General Director of Zayed House for Islamic Culture related that the services had a great effect in achieving ZHIC strategic goals. Mainly, integration of the new reverts in the surrounding community; providing them with necessary care and the appropriate atmosphere to relieve possible psychological stress. Including marital problems, behavioral, social, occupational and cultural issues.
Moreover, Dr. al Tinaiji said that ZHIC would find appropriate solutions to such problems through the said services armed with aware raising programs run by experienced social specialists assigned to listen to new reverts and deal with their requests confidentially while studying their cases to tackle the problems they might face.