'Ramadan Faith & Tranquility' Program included lectures, competitions and initiatives in international languages

Zayed House for Islamic Culture (ZHIC) did successfully concluded its program events entitled ‘Ramadan: Faith & Tranquility’. Which achieved the goal for enhancing the values of tolerance and acceptance of multicultural diversity among community members. Through a number of events and activities organized in various languages on virtual platforms of social media networks. Which hosted 19 e-materials part of ‘Our Homes are Safe’ and the ‘Sweetest Talk’ series watched by 14658 viewers. The 28 lectures, which benefitted 8208 individuals, were delivered in seven languages to cater for the new Muslims, persons interested in Islamic culture, and community at large. To care for new reverts restrained families, ZHIC distributed clothes for ‘Eid, food parcels and assorted gifts to more than 251 beneficiaries. ZHIC also ran a competition entitled ‘Recite & Elevate’ plus the ‘Most Beautiful Azan’ competition attracted new Muslim 100 participants.